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Hansel & Gretel
Hoghton Tower
Hansel & Gretel
Make it Day
Helen Latham
Tales of Love Reveal Festival, Octagon Theatre
Helen Latham & Neil Balfour
Tales of Love Reveal Festival, Octagon Theatre
Geogina Rosanna Murray & Chris Ellis Tales of Love Reveal Festival,Octagon Theatre
Georgina Rosanna Murray
Tales of Love, Bolton Market
Georgina Rosanna Murray & Neil Balfour Tales of Love, Bolton Market
Georgina Rosanna Murray & Neil Balfour Tales of Love, Bolton Market
Rehearsal with Jennifer Parker
Tales of Love, Brindle St James Church
Rehearsal with Chris Ellis, Tales of Love, Brindle St James Church
Rehearsal with the community chorus Tales of Love, Brindle St James Church.
Georgina Rosanna Murray & Richard Belshaw
Tales of Love, Hoghton Tower
Neil Balfour & Helen Latham
Tales of Love, Hoghton Tower
Jennifer Parker & Georgina Rosanna Murray
Tales of Love, Hoghton Tower
Helen Latham & Georgina Rosanna Murray Bolton FM
Helen Latham & Georgina Rosanna Murray Bolton FM
Samlesbury Hall Opera Dinner, Preston
Samlesbury Hall Opera Dinner, Lancashire
Helen Latham Samlesbury Hall Opera Dinner, Lancashire
Phil Clieve Samlesbury Hall Opera Dinner, Lancashire
Samlesbury Hall Opera Dinner, Lancashire
Samlesbury Hall Opera Dinner, Lancashire
Chris Ellis Private Function, Preston
Phil Clieve /&Georgina Rosanna MurrayPrivate Function, Preston
Phil Clieve & Georgina Rosanna Murray Private Function, Preston
Chris Ellis, Phil Clieve, Helen Latham & Georgina Rosanna Murray
Private Function, Preston
Chris Ellis Gawsworth Hall, Cheshire
Chris Ellis & Georgina Rosanna Murray
Gawsworth Hall, Cheshire
Jonathan Ellis Samlesbury Hall Opera Dinner, Lancashire
Samlesbury Hall Opera Dinner, Lancashire
Samlesbury Hall Opera Dinner, Lancashire
Samlesbury Hall Opera Dinner, Lancashire