Why not join our online opera workshops, to learn some of the tricks of the trade, whilst singing sumptuous music. The Zoom workshops, which will take place over the course of a weekend, are designed to take you on a musical journey full of vocal exploration, and all the drama that comes with singing opera! The grand finale will see all participants coming together, alongside our professional opera singers, in a virtual video performance of the chosen piece.
All abilities of singers are welcome to join the workshops, no experience is necessary. You will be sent music and vocal recordings prior to the workshop and we will always be on hand to help you with any additional needs you may have.
The fee for the weekend workshops and virtual video performance is £20.00. There are no hidden extras. All sheet music and vocal recordings are included and a copy of the final performance will be sent to you to keep.
Each workshop will be tailored to your voice type, so Altos will meet with Altos, Basses will meet with Basses, and so on. The Zoom link for the meeting will be sent to you in advance via email. You will then need to click on the link at the scheduled meeting time, and off you go! NB Please make sure you have downloaded the Zoom app to your chosen device, prior to the meeting.
A recording of each workshop will be available, to enable you to recap the workshop in your own time. Here’s the extra fun part…once the series of workshops are complete, you’ll send us a video of your chorus performance, to add to our virtual opera chorus video of the chosen piece.
To sign up, please fill in the form below, stating voice type, and click the PayPal link to make payment. Alternatively, you can email us at info@outreachopera.co.uk will any additional questions or methods of payment.
PRICE: £20.00
VENUE: Your own dwelling
Sopranos 10.30am – 11.30am
Altos 12.00pm – 13.00pm
Tenors 13.30pm – 14.30pm
Bass 15.00pm – 16.00pm
For payments please click the PayPal link below.